Via Célere collects 5,229 kilos of food in “Operation Kilo”
In a year in which, due to COVID-19, the situation of many families is precarious and with a major food emergency, Vía Célere wanted to do its part contributing to “Operation Kilo”, in collaboration with the Food Bank in Madrid, through the collection of food to distribute it among those most in need.
The Madrid Food Bank is a non-profit charity organization whose purpose is to obtain free food to distribute it, also free of charge, among charities dedicated to the direct assistance and care of people in need within the Community of Madrid, and whose mission is to raise awareness in society and to promote solidarity in the face of the problems caused by hunger, unemployment, family abandonment, food waste and, in general, the lack of the necessary resources to live with dignity.
Via Célere, through this action, invited its employees to collaborate by making a donation, the full amount of which would be allocated to the purchase of non-perishable basic foods, also committing to contribute an amount equal to the total contributed by their employees, having raised a total of: 5,229 kilos of food.
At Vía Célere we feel very proud and we want to thank each and every one of the employees who, with their selfless collaboration, helped to mitigate the situation that many individuals and families are suffering in these times.