Vía Célere leads the sector with 60% women managers

  • Of the 17 people that make up the Vía Célere management team, 11 are women. In the case of general managers, the ratio is 3 to 2.
  • The company is breaking with the trend of the real estate sector, dominated by men, providing talent and equal opportunities

Vía Célere, a developer specialising in the development, investment and management of real estate assets, leads the sector as a company committed to equal opportunities between men and women. As a result, 65% of its management team are women (11 compared to 6).

Within the management team, there are three female general managers compared to two male managers. They are Teresa Marzo, General Business Manager; Rosa Peña, General Operations Manager and Elena Gallo, General Corporate and Town Planning Manager.

In total, among all the professionals that make up the developer, the staff consists of 80 women compared to 61 men. On the other hand, salaries at all levels are fair and they are defined taking into account the group of professionals to which they belong and their years of experience, so that in no case is gender a variable.

In the words of Juan Antonio Gómez-Pintado, Chairman and CEO of Vía Céleree, “We are very proud of our commitment to equal opportunities in the company, to guarantee access by the best talent to positions of responsibility. We hope that situations such as those we have in Vía Célere will serve to generate a change within the sector”.

In recent years, the presence of women in public and private companies has increased considerably. However, in a traditionally male sector such as real estate, Vía Célere’s commitment to adopting policies that guarantee equality is particularly important.