Vía Célere Innovation Room: Consultative Sale

Buying a house is probably one of the most important decisions that a person faces in their life and, therefore, at Vía Célere we want to ensure that all our customers have all the information and assurance possible to face that process.

In response to these needs, Vía Célere developed the concept of Consultative Sale, a method that involves more in-depth and specialized advice to customers, in which the sales person plays a more advisory role than a sales role, encouraging a sincere and friendly atmosphere to perform an individual diagnosis of each buyer. We have to listen to the customer, to know their circumstances and to detect their real needs, in order to offer a product that meets their expectations

But we cannot ignore the fact that times have changed, we are in the era of digitalization and we must be able to respond to users with a single “click”.

It is at this point where Vía Célere seeks the perfect balance by combining traditional tools with a sales team that can explain all this information clearly and focused on the individual needs of each customer.

It is essential in order to achieve a complete training process. Both the sales team and the customer service department receive consultative sales training from Vía Célere. Thus, it is committed to taking a step further in customer service by maximizing interaction with the future buyer, both in visits to points of sale or fairs, and calls to the Call Centre.

But this is not the only point in which we were pioneers. At Vía Célere innovation is in our DNA, discover this and all the other innovations carried out over the years at celereinnova.es