Vía Célere ready for the re-opening of its sales offices
Last week, central government announced the different de-escalation phases and the actions to be encompassed within each of them, as well as the measures to be adopted in each sector for a gradual return to normality.
Although throughout the week more details have gradually become known about each phase, it was only last Sunday that saw approval of the authorisation for opening to the public of retail and similar service provider establishments and commercial premises, the activity of which was suspended following the declaration of the state of alarm (with the exception of those with a surface area of more than 400 square metres).
On this point Vía Célere has adopted all the measures indicated by the Government to re-open the doors of its sales offices to customers on 6 May:
- Customers will only be attended to if they have arranged an appointment
- Only one customer per employee present in the Sales Office will be served at a time
- There will be no use of the waiting areas inside the offices
- Customers will be attended to individually with the proper physical separation and/or use of screens
- There will be a special time for serving customers over 65 years of age, at the time established for this group to go out for a walk and take exercise
In addition to all of the above, the relevant hygiene measures will be implemented in the area, as follows:
- Cleaning and disinfection of the facilities at least twice a day, with special attention paid to the most frequent contact surfaces
- One of the cleaning sessions must take place at the end of the day.
- After each cleaning session, the materials and PPE used will be safely disposed of and cleaners will then wash their hands.
- Cleaning and disinfection of workstations on each shift change
- When there is more than one employee dealing with the public, the cleaning measures will be extended, not only to the commercial area, but also, where applicable, to the private employee areas, such as changing rooms, lockers, toilets, kitchens and rest areas.
- Appropriate ventilation of all establishments and commercial premises will be guaranteed.
- Customers will not be able to use the toilets in commercial establishments, unless strictly necessary. In the latter case, the toilets, taps and door handles will be cleaned immediately afterwards.
- There must be waste bins available, if possible with a lid and a pedal, in which any material may be deposited. These waste bins must be cleaned frequently and at least once a day.
The following prevention measures apply for employees of Vía Célere:
- Employees who are self-isolating due to being diagnosed with COVID-19 or having symptoms compatible with COVID-19 will not be able to return to work. Nor may employees who, although not displaying symptoms, are in a period of self-isolation due to having been in contact with someone who has symptoms or has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
- All employees must have PPE and have hydro-alcoholic gels permanently available for cleaning their hands, or when this is not possible, soap and water. E
- The use of masks will be mandatory when the interpersonal safety distance of approximately two metres between employee and customer or between employees cannot be guaranteed.
- The distance between vendor and customer during the entire customer service process will be at least one metre when there are protection elements or barriers, or approximately two metres without these elements.
- In the case of services that do not allow the maintenance of the interpersonal safety distance, the appropriate PPE must be worn to ensure protection of both the employee and the customer, in any case ensuring the maintenance of the two-metre distance between one customer and another.
- If an employee begins to display symptoms compatible with the disease, the telephone number provided by the autonomous community or corresponding health centre must be immediately contacted. The employee must leave his/her post until his/her medical situation is evaluated by a health professional.
And the following protection and hygiene measures for all customers who come to our Sales Offices:
- The time spent there will be that strictly necessary for customers to receive provision of the service.
- In establishments where personal attention of more than one customer at the same time is possible, the interpersonal safety distance of two metres between customers should be clearly marked out with marks on the ground, or through the use of markers, signs and notices. In any case, customers may not be served simultaneously by the same employee.
- The establishments and premises must make hydroalcoholic gel dispensers available to the public at the entrance to the premises, and they must always be in suitable condition for use.
If you want to visit us, make an appointment by calling 900 10 20 80 from Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.