Via Célere, recognised for an occupational accident rate 112 times less than the average

  • The incident rate at Vía Célere in 2017, the year in which it won the award, was 64.94, while the average in the sector for the same period was 7,285.

Vía Célere received recognition from Ibermutua due to the low occupational accident rate recorded by its employees in 2017. According to the data from the mutual welfare associations, the incident rate at Vía Célere was 64.94, while the average in the construction sector was 7,285, according to the Observatory of Occupational Accident Rates under the Ministry of Employment, Migration and Social Security. Therefore, the figure obtained by Vía Célere was 112 times lower than the average in the rest of the companies in its area of activity.

This award, which is regulated by Royal Decree 231/2017 and recognises considerable reductions in occupational accident rates, also involves reimbursement of between 5% and 10% of the contributions paid to accident mutual welfare associations, depending on the investments made in prevention covered by the Royal Decree.

“At Vía Célere we put the safety of our employees before everything else. Their well-being is always our priority and this is why we have implemented the maximum possible controls and we are committed to new construction methods that guarantee a more comfortable and safer environment, such as industrialisation. This recognition further reaffirms our philosophy and encourages us to continue to work to achieve the best possible working environment for all our employees”, said Montse Sánchez, Human Resources Director at Vía Célere.

The award, which was picked up by Montse Sánchez and Ana Loeches, Prevention and Occupational Risks Manager at Vía Célere, was also given this year to other companies and institutions that are leaders in their respective sectors such as Grupo Cobra, Museo del Prado, Sanitas, Cisco Systems, Laboratorios Lilly and PSA Automóbiles for their performance in previous years.

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